Odisha board class 6 Bengali medium Solution for Science

In this page we have provided Odisha board class 6 solutions for science in Bengali medium. The curriculum of Odisha board maintains certain quality standards. Odisha Primary Education Programme Authority (OPEPA) regulates and maintains the curriculum for Odisha board class 6. The science curriculum for class 6 is no exception. The topics included in science for the students of class 6 can be a bit hard to grasp if not explained properly. While studying students often face difficulty understanding a topic or solving a difficult problem. This is where Solution guidebooks come in play. Solution books provided by us are of the best quality. We have covered every topic of syllabus in details without leaving any question unsolved. The solutions we provide are made by our team of experts who are well known in their field.

Why choose Netexplanations for solution PDF

While studying students often gets stuck in critical problems or difficult questions. In these situations if the doubts are not cleared properly then the problem usually stays unsolved and the makes room for more difficulty. Moving ahead without understanding a concept clearly can cause serious gap in concepts. The concepts that are introduced in class 6 of Odisha board will lay conceptual foundation for more complex topics of higher classes. That’s why textbook solutions are fairly important for overall growth. In our website we have provided Odisha board class 6 solutions for science in Bengali medium. In our solution we have covered all the topics of Class 6 science curriculum.

Chapter-wise Solution Links

It is said that having no knowledge is better than having false knowledge. The problem students face while choosing solution guidebook is the proof authenticity of the answers. The solution guidebook for textbook prepared by our team of experts is completely authentic. The answers provided were checked multiple times to eliminate any mistakes. With Numerous quality checks in place the authenticity of the answers are quite high. Our dedicated content team makes sure that the solutions made by our experts are according to the latest syllabus provided by the Odisha Board. The descriptive answers given in our solutions are made in such a way that it inspires students to think more deeply about the question. We have provided in depth explanation along with the solutions for better understanding.

Here we have provided links to the chapter wise solutions for Odisha Board Class 6 solution for science in Bengali medium.

One of the most neglected aspects of textbook solution is the proper method for using it. If the solution book is not used properly then the purpose of the solution is defeated. That’s why it is very important to use it properly and carefully. If someone uses it improperly then their concepts would not grow as expected.

Below we have made some points on the do’s and don’ts for using solution guidebook.


  • Use solution guide only when you have tried and failed to solve the problem.
  • Use the solution guide to understand the concept more clearly and then make your own answers


  • Never use solution guide before trying to solve or understanding the concept.
  • Never copy from the solution instead of writing your own answers.


In conclusion, it would not be wrong to say that the Odisha board class 6 solutions for science in Bengali medium is the best there is. We have provided authentic solutions made by our team of experts. In our solutions we have covered all the topics of class 6 textbook of science. One must use the solution guidebook properly to get maximum result. We have made this solution according to the latest circular of OPEPA.

The whole team of netexplanations.com wishes you all the very best for your future endeavors. For any queries or doubts please contact us through our social media pages.