Chhattisgarh State Board Class 7 History Chapter 4 Expansion of the Delhi Sultanate Exercise Fill in the blanks, Answer the following question here.
(I) Fill in the blanks with the words given below (Daulatabad, Devagiri, Rameshwaram, Sijdah, Facial profiles, Tughluqabad, Kalchuris)
(1) Alla-ud-din Khilji attacked __________ before becoming the sultan.
Ans: – Devagiri
(2) Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq founded the city of _________
Ans: – Tughluqabad
(3) To stop corruption in his army Alla-ud-din khilji began recording the _________ of his soldiers.
Ans: – Facial profiles
(4) Chhattisgarh was ruled by the __________ kings during the time when Delhi was ruled by the Turk sultans.
Ans: – Kalchuris
(5) Muhammad bin Tughluq mode _______ his new capital.
Ans: – Daulatabad
(II) Answer the following questions:
(1) Who become the sultan of Delhi after Kaikubad?
Ans: – Jala-ud-din Khilji become the Sultan of Delhi after Kaikubad.
(2) Who was the author of Tarikh-e-Firozsahi?
Ans: – Barni was the author of Tarikh-e-Firozshahi.
(3) Who started the practice of branding army horses?
Ans: – Alla-ud-din Khilji started the practice of branding army horses.
(4) Muhammad bin Tughluq introduced coins made of which metal to replace silver coins?
Ans: – Muhammad bin Tughluq introduced coins made of bronze metal to replace silver coins.
(5) How much tax did farmers have to pay during Alla-ud-din’s rule?
Ans: – Alla-ud-din fixed the land tax at half the produce of the farmer, but he did not levy other taxes that were usually collected in these days. He decided to collect only land taxes and taxes on pastures. So the farmers did not have to pay to many taxes.
(6) What steps did Alla-ud-din take to control the market?
Ans: – Alla-ud-din took various steps to control the market. Such as, he made special efforts to ensure that his soldiers could buy good at reasonable prices in Delhi. He fixed the rates of all the good sold and fixed the places where they could be sold. This made it easier for him to control their sales. He also meted out severe punishment to any merchant who overcharged or under weighed his merchandise.
(7) Describe the main schemes of Muhammad bin Tughluq?
Ans: – Muhammad bin Tughluq had two main schemes. One was to make Devagiri in the south his capital, after renaming it as Daulatabd. Secondly, he introduced the use of bronze coins in place of silver coins as currency.
(8) What reforms did All-ud-din introduce in tax collection?
Ans: – All-ud-din fixed the land tax at half the produce of the farmer. But he did not levy other taxes that were usually collected in those days. He decided to collect only land taxes and taxes on pastures. So the farmer did not have to pay too many taxes. However, this did not benefit the tax collectors because their income was reduced. Earlier, the taxes were collected from the farmers by the village heads or the defeated kings. But now, the job was done by the sultan’s officers. So the kings and the village heads could not enjoy the concessions they had earlier. They could not collect taxes as and when they wished. So, All-ud-din introduced a new reform in tax collection.
Very long answer