Characteristics X-ray MCQs
The variation of wavelength and intensity of X ray emitted from Coolidge tube is studied and the graph of wavelength vs. intensity of X ray is plotted. The nature of the graph shows the variation of intensity for different wavelength of X – rays in Coolidge tube.
Following are the conclusions drawn from the graph,
1) There is a threshold wavelength called cut off wavelength which is minimum wavelength below which X-rays are not emitted.
2) Kα , Kβ wavelength for which intensity of X –rays is maximum are called characteristics X- rays. These wavelengths for characteristics X-rays may be used to identify the element from which they emit.
3) For remaining wavelengths intensity varies gradually & corresponding X-rays are called continuous X-rays.
Q.1) The minimum wavelength below which X-rays cannot emitted is termed as……
a) cut off wavelength
b) minimum wavelength
c) least wavelength
d) threshold number
Q.2) Intensity of X rays decreases with……….
a) decrease in wavelength
b) increase in frequency
b) increase in wavelength
d) none of these
Q.3) The X rays corresponds to wavelength for which the intensity of X rays is maximum is …..
a) Characteristic X ray
b) Continuous X rays
c) Either ‘a’ or ‘b’
d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’
Q.4) Which among following is the main filament used in Coolidge tube?
a) magnesium
b) platinum
c) tungsten
d) all of these.
Q.5) Who invented the modern X ray tube?
a) Roentgen
b) Balmer
c) Willard
d) Coolidge
Q.6) The X rays of which intensity varies gradually for the wavelengths other than lines is known as…..
a) Characteristic X ray
b) Continuous X rays
c) Either ‘a’ or ‘b’
d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’
Q.7) The X rays in the figure with wavelength series is Kα , Kβ is termed as…
a) Characteristic X ray
b) Continuous X rays
c) Either ‘a’ or ‘b’
d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’
Q.1) a) cut off wavelength
Q.2) b)increase in wavelength
Q.3) a) Characteristic X ray
Q.4) c) tungsten
Q.5) d) Coolidge
Q.6) b) Continuous X rays
Q.7) a) Characteristic X ray