JKBOSE Class 6 English Tulip Poem Chapter 7 Time You Old Gypsy Man Solution
JKBOSE (Jammu Kashmir State Board Of School Education) Class 6 English Solution Chapter 7 Time You Old Gypsy Man all Exercise Question Answers. Students of JK Board Grade 6 Standard can download all Answer.
Answer these questions:
1.) Why do you think the poet calls time the ‘old gipsy man’?
Answer: The pot calls time the ‘old gipsy man’ because just like the gipsy man who travels in caravan without stopping, the time in the way doesn’t stop.
2.) What request does the poet make to time?
Answer: The poet requests time to stop for just one day and be his guest so that he could treat him.
3.) What will happen if time becomes the poet’s guest?
Answer: If time becomes the poet’s guest, then he will offer him many things. The goldsmith will make a great golden ring, peacocks will bow, little boys will sing and sweet girls will decorate him with flowers and festoons.
4.) The poet is not the only one who honours time. There are others also who honour it. Who are they? What will they gift to time?
Answer: The other people other who honor time are the goldsmith, little boys and the sweet girls. The goldsmith will make a great golden ring, little boys will sing and sweet girls will decorate him with flowers and festoons.
5.) Who will sing to time?
a.) sweet girls
b.) little boys
c.) peacocks
6.) What will goldsmiths make for time?
a.) A necklace
b.) A ring
c.) A silver ring
- A golden ring
- Explain “Festoon with may”.
Answer: “Festoon with may” implies that the sweet girls will decorate a place in honor of time with festoon with the flowers that bloom in the season of May.