Is 2123 is a composite number or not ?
- As we already know that, the number having factors 1 and the number itself is the prime number.
- And numbers having more than these two factors are the composite numbers.
- To check whether the number 2123 is composite or not first we have to find its factors.
Factors of 2123:
- If we have taken numbers from 1, 2, 3…for checking factors of 2123, we found that 2123 has factors 1, 11, 193 and 2123. Hence, we must say that 2123 is a composite number.
- Thus, 2123 is the composite number.
- If we multiply 2123 by 1, 2, 3 then we get the multiples of 2123 which are 2123, 4246 and so on.
2123 is a Composite number or Prime number
About the number 2123:
- 2123 has more than two factors which are 1, 11, 193 and 2123 and hence it is the composite number.
- 2123 is the odd composite number and it is not the perfect square also.
- If we divide 2123 by 1, 11, 193 and 2123 then we get remainder as zero. Hence, 1, 11, 193 and 2123 are the factors of 2123
- 2123 is not the perfect square.
- Factors of 2123: 1, 11, 193 and 2123
- Prime factors of 2123: 11, 193
- 2123 is the composite number which has factors 1, 11, 193 and 2123.
- And hence, 2123 is not the prime number.
Multiple Choice Questions:
1) 2123 is a
a) odd number
b) Prime number
c) Composite number
d) Both a and c
Ans: d) both a and c
2) The prime factors of a composite number 2123 are
a) 1
b) 11, 193
c) 1 and 2123
d) 1, 11, 193 and 2123
Ans: b) 11, 193
3) 2123 is the composite number because
a) It has factors 1, 11, 193 and 2123
b) It has more than two factors
c) It is not divisible by 2
d) Both a and b
Ans: d) both a and b