English Grammar

Mastering Canceled versus Cancelled: 10 Vital Distinctions

Canceled versus Cancelled Sometimes just adding a single alphabet to the words…

Mastering Cannot versus Can Not: 10 Vital Distinctions

Cannot versus Can Not Just add a small space in the words…

Mastering Can versus May: 10 Vital Distinctions

Can versus May Grammar plays a very crucial role in writing part…

Mastering Comradery versus Camaraderie: 10 Vital Distinctions

Comradery versus Camaraderie What irritate the most are the similar looking words.…

Mastering Calfs versus Calves: 10 Vital Distinctions

Calfs versus Calves Plurals can be really confusing sometimes. As we often…

Mastering Calvary versus Cavalry: 10 Vital Distinctions

Calvary versus Cavalry Sometimes even just altering the alphabets of the words…