English Grammar

Mastering Bath versus Bathe: 10 Vital Distinctions

Bath versus Bathe Sometimes just an addition of one single alphabet to…

Mastering Base versus Bass: 10 Vital Distinctions

Base versus Bass Just change a small alphabet to a word and…

Mastering Bear versus Bare: 12 Vital Distinctions

Bear versus Bare Too often we encountered such words that are merely…

Mastering Barbecue versus Barbeque: 10 Vital Distinctions

Barbecue versus Barbeque Sometimes just an alteration of one single alphabet to…

Mastering Baptised versus Baptized: 10 Vital Distinctions

Baptised vs. Baptized Sometimes just a change in one single alphabet to…

Mastering Bail versus Bale: 12 Vital Distinctions

Bail versus Bale Too often we encountered such words that are merely…