NCERT Solutions Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 10 – Night
NCERT Class 3 English Santoor Chapter 10 ‘Night’ question answers solutions available here. This chapter is very important.
The Sky
Look at the picture and answer.
(1) What can you see on both sides of the street?
Ans:- There are variety of shops on both sides of the street.
(2) Why are there two dustbins? Do you know why one is blue and the other is green in colour?
Ans:- There are two dustbins in front of the shop that indicates two different types of wastes- dry and wet. The green dustbin is used for dry wastes and the blue one is used for wet wastes.
(3) Why is the man in dark glasses holding a white stick?
Ans:- The man in dark glasses holding a white stick because he is blind.
(4) Do you know which toy the boys are playing with?
Ans:- The boys are playing with spinning tops.
(5) How many bullock-carts are there in the picture?
Ans:- There are only one bullock-cart in the picture.
(6) Name the different animals in the picture.
Ans:- We can see dog, cow, cat and goats in the picture.
(A) Answer the following.
(1) Where does the Sun go after the end of the day?
Ans:- After the end of the day the Sun sinks faraway behind the hills and takes rest there.
(2) Which among the following needs the Sun? Why?
a) sunflower
b) toys
c) plants
d) table
e) children
Ans:- Among these the sunflower needs the Sun for their proper growth.
(3) The poem talks about the Sun in the sky. What else do you see when you look up at the sky?
Ans:- When we look up at the sky we can see the clouds and birds sailing across the sky. Besides these we see the stars and the beautiful moon.
(B) Think and answer.
(1) What different colours do we get to see during sunrise and sunset?
Ans:- We get to see mostly red and yellow colours during sunrise and sunset. We also see the blue and orange colours at the end.
(2) What do you see when you look at the sky at night?
Ans:- We see the beautiful sky filled with numerous little stars and the bright moon at night.
(3) How do you feel when you open your eyes in the morning?
Ans:- When we open our eyes in the morning it feels drizzy and our eyes seem a little bit heavy to open.
(4) Imagine a day when the Sun doesn’t come out. Talk about how the day would be.
Ans:- We even can’t imagine a day without the sunlight. If the Sun doesn’t come out for a day, every living being will be disturbed. There will be utter darkness, we will not be able to see anything without any other source of light. The photosynthesis will be stopped for the day.
(A) Read the following words and circle the words that are found in the sky.
(B) Add ‘Sun’ to the following words to make new words. Write them in the space given. One has been done for you.
light flower rays set
rise glasses day
Ans:- sunlight sunflower sunrays sunset
sunrise sunglasses sunday
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