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NCERT Important Dates History Class 12 – Themes in Indian History-I
Important Dates and Events NCERT Board History All Chapters Class 12 Here.
Chapter one
The Harappan Civilization
1.) 2600 to 1900 BC: Expansion of the happan civilization
2.) 1937: Ernest Mackay excavated the harappan site of mohenjodaro
3) 1875: Alexander Cunningham became the director general of the archaeological survey of India
4.) 1948: Ernest McKay wrote the book early Indian civilization
5.) 1925: 16 skeletons of people with the ornaments that they were wearing when they died were found from mohenjodaro
6.) 1931: John Marshall wrote the book mohenjodaro and the Indus civilization
7.) 1947: REM Wheeler Who was the director general of archaeological survey of India tried to correlate the archaeological evidences Excavated from the harappan sites with that of rigveda the earliest known civilization of the continent
8.) 1947: REM Wheeler Wrote the book Harappa 1946
9.) 1960s: the evidence of a massacre in mohenjodaro was questioned by an archaeologist named George Dales
10.) 1964 : George Dales wrote the book the mythical massacre at mohenjodaro
11.) 1924: based on the findings by the archaeological survey of India the director general Sir John Marshall announced the discovery of a new civilization in the ohindus valley to the world
12.) 1944: REM Wheeler became the director general of archaeological survey of India
13.) 1980 s: since the 1980s there has also been growing international interest in the harappan archaeology
14.) 1976: REM Wheeler wrote the book my archaeological mission to India and Pakistan
15.) 1500 to 1000 BCE: the expansion of the Rig vedic period.
16.) 2 million before present: lower paleolithic age
17.) 80,000 BP: middle paleolithic edge
18.) 35,000 BP: upper paleolithic age
19.) 12,000 BP: mesolithic age
20.) 10,000 BP : Neolithic age
21.) 6000 BP: chalcolithic age
22.) 2600 BCE: harappan civilization
23.) 1000 BC: early Iron Age
24.) 600 to 400 BCE: Early historic.
25.) 1000 BCE: invention of iron
26.) 1875: report of Alexander Cunningham on harappan seal
27.) 1921: M s vats began excavation at harappa
28.) 1925: excavation began at mohenjodaro
29.) 1946: REM Wheeler excavated harappa
30.) 1955 : s R Rao began excavation at lothal
31.) 1960: BB Lal and BK thapar started excavation at kalibangan
32.) 1974: M R MughalStarted the exploration in bahawalpur
33.) 1980: a team of German and Italian archaeologists began surface exploration at mohenjodaro
34.) 1986: American team began excavation at harappa
35.) 1990: R S Bisht Began excavation at dholavira
Chapter 2
Kings farmers and towns
1.) 600 BCE to 600 CE: Period of early States and economics
2.) 6th century BCE: from 6th century BCE there is evidence that there were other trends except harappan civilization
3.) 1830s: Some of the most momentous developments in Indian epigraphy took place in the 1830s
4.) The 6th century BC E: the 6th century BC E is often regarded as a major turning point in early Indian history
5.) Time period between the 6th century and 4th century BC: at this time magadha became the most powerful mahajanpada
6.) 321 BCE: chandragupta maurya founded the mauryan empire
7.) 268 to 231 BCE: period of ashoka the great
8.) 2nd century BCE: New chiefdoms and kingdoms emerged in several parts of the subcontinent
9.) Century BCE two 1st century CE: The period of the kushanas
10.) 6 century BCE: plough agriculture started in the Ganga and kaveri valleys
11.) 375 to 415 CE: period of chandragupta the 2nd
12.) 4th century BCE: pataliputra became the capital of mauryan empire
13.) 6th century BCE: from this time land and river routes Criss crossed the subcontinent and extended in various directions.
14.) 6th century BC onwards: punch marked coins of silver and copper came into existence
15.) 2nd century BCE: the indo Greeks established their control over the northwestern part of the subcontinent
16.) 1st century CE: Coins were also issued by tribal republics such as that of Punjab and Haryana.
17.) 6th century BCE: gold coins came into existence
18.) 1838: James princep was able to decipher ashokan bramhi script
19.) 600-500 BCE: Paddy transplantation and urbanization in the Ganga valley
20.) 500-400 BCE: Rulers of magadha consolidate power
21.) 327 to 325 BCE: invasion of Alexander of macedon
22) 321 BC: accession of chandragupta maurya
23.) 185 BCE: end of the mauryan empire
24.) 200 to100 BCE: indo Greek rule in the northwest
25.) 100 to 200CE: Shakas ruled in the northwest
26.) 78 ad: accession of kanishka
27.) 320 CE: Beginning of Gupta rule
28.) 335 to 375 CE: period of samudragupta
29.) 375 to 415 CE: period of chandragupta the 2nd
30.) 500 to 600 BCE: rise of the chalukyas in the Karnataka end of the pallavas in Tamil Nadu
31.) 606 to 447 CE: harshvardhan became the ruler of kanauj
32.) 712 CE: Arabs conquered sind
33.) 1784: foundation of the asiatic Society of Bengal
34.) 1810s: Colin McKenzie collected over 8000 inscription in Sanskrit and dravidian languages
35.) 1838: James prinsep deciphered the ashokan script
36.) 1886: first issue of epigraphia Karnataka
Chapter 3
Kinship cast and class
1.) 500 BCE onwards: the time period of the composition of the Mahabharata
2.) 1919: one of the most ambitious projects of scholarship began in 1919 under the leadership of the notedohanskritist VS Sukthankar
3.) 500 BC: from this time the norms of brahminism were compiled in Sanskrit texts named as Dharma shastras and dharma sutras
4.) 200BCE to 200CE: Manusmriti was compiled
5.) 1000BCE: The gotra system was started
6.) 2nd century BCE to second century CE: the sadbhavana Kingdom ruled in the South India
7.) 2nd century CE: the sudarshana lake was built
8.) 5th century CE: the mandasor inscription was built
9.) 5th century CE: Fa xian ,A Buddhist monk came to India
10.) 6th century BCE onwards: Buddhist literature flourished
11.) 1st century CE: sangam literature flourished
12.) 1951 to 1952: the archaeologist B Lal excavated at a village named hastinapur in mirat
13.) 500 BCE: Ashtadhsyai by Panini was written.
14.) 500 to 200 BCE: major Dharma sutras in Sanskrit were written
15.) 500 to 100 BC: early Buddhist texts including the tripitaka were written
16.) 500 to 400 CE: ramayana and Mahabharata were written
17.) 200 BCE to 200 CE: manusmriti was written
18.) 100CE: charaka and susruta samhitas were written
19.) 200CE onwards: compilation of the puranas were started
20.) 300CE: nya shastra was written by Bharat
Chapter 4
Thinkers beliefs and buildings
1.) 1868 to 1901: shajahan Begum ruled over Bhopal
2.) 1876: HD Barstow translated the book a history of Bhopal
3.) 1000 BCE to 500 BCE: in this time. The sacrifices were made by the head of the household
4.) 6 century BCE: period of mahavir
5.) 1796: in 1796 a local Raja who wanted to build a temple stumbled upon the ruins of the stupa at amravati
6) 1854: Walter Elliott the commissioner of guntur visited amravati and collected several sculptured panels and took them away to Madras.
7.) 1850s : by the 1850s some of the slabs of amravati had begun to be taken to different places
8.) 1818: sanchi was discovered
9.) 1500-1000BCE: early Vedic traditions
10.) 1000 to 500 BCE: later Vedic traditions
11.) 6th century BC: early upanishad Jainism and Buddhism
12.) 3rd century BCE: first stupas
13.) 2nd century BCE onwards: development of mahayana Buddhism vaishnavism shaivism and goddess cults
14.) 3rd century CE: earliest temples
15.) 1814: the Indian Museum of Calcutta was established
16.) 1834: publication of essay on the agriculture of the Hindus by Raja ram
17.) 1835 to 1842: James Ferguson surveys major archaeological sites
18.) 1851: establishment of the government Museum of Madras
19.) 1854: Alexander Cunningham published bilsa topes.
20.) 1878: rajendra lala Mitra publishes Buddha Gaya the heritage of sakyamuni
21.) 1880 :HH cole Appointed curator of ancient monuments
22.) 1888: passing of the treasure trove act
23.) 1914: John Marshall and Alfred Foucher Published the monuments of sachi
24.) 1923: John Marshall published the conservation manual
25.) 1955: Prime Minister johal Nehru laid the foundation stone of the National Museum of New Delhi
26. ) 1989: sanji was declared as a World Heritage site
Themes in Indian History-II Important Dates
Theme 5
Through the eyes of the Travelers
1.) 973: alberuni was born
2.) 1017: Sultan Mahmoud invaded Khwarizm
3.) 6th to 5th century BCE: in this time. The term Hindu was used in old Persian language
4.) 1354: Evan bouta returned home
5.) 1333: iban batuta reached sind
6.) 1342: You weren’t butah was ordered to proceed to China as the sultan’s envoy
7.) 1500: Francois bernier came to India
8.) 1750: eikh Itimasuddin,Mirza Abu Talib visited Europe
9.) 1440s: the travelogue of Abdul razzaq were written
10.) 9732 to 1048: Muhammad iban Ahmed Abu rayhan al biruni came to India
11.) 1254 to 1323: time period in which Marco Polo stayed in India
12.) 1304 to 1377: he burned bouta remained in India
13.) 1413 to 1482: Abd al razaq Kamal al din IBAN Ishaq al samarkand Stayed in India
14.) 1466 to 1472: afanasi Nikitin Stayed in India. He was from Russia
15.) 1518: Duarte barbosa came to India
16.) 1562: seydi Ali Reis Came to India
- 1536 to 1600: Antonio monsarrate stayed in India
- 1626 to 1631: mahamoud Walli Balkhi Stayed in India
19.) 1600 to 1667: Peter Mundy came to India
20.) 1605 to 1689: Jean Baptiste Tavernier Stayed in India
21.) 1620 to 1688: Francois burnier stayed in India
Theme 6
Changes in religious beliefs and devotional texts
1.) 6th to 9th century Millennium: pallavas and pandyas ruled over South India
2.) 1106 to 68: Reign of king Basavanna
3.) 711: Arab general named Mohammad qasim conquered sind
4.) 13th century: period of Delhi sultanate
5.) 1235:Shaikh Muinuddin Sijzi died
6.) 1235: quadra qutubuddin bakhtiyar kaki died
7.) 1265: Shaikh Fariduddin Ganj I Shakar died
8.) 1325: Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya died
9.) 1356: Shaikh Nasiruddin Chiragh I Delhi died.
10.) 1073: Hujwiri died
11.) 1324-51: Muhammad Bin Tughlaq ruled over India
12.) 1568: Akbar offered a huge cauldron to fecilitate coocking for pilgrims
13.) 1643: The pilgrimage of the Mughal Princess jahanara
14.) 1253 to 1325: period of Amir khosru
15.) 1469 to 1539: the period of Baba guru nanak
16.) 500 to 800 CE: Appar, Sambandar, Sundaramurti were famous teachers of Tamilnadu
17.) 800-900: Nammalvar, Manikkavachakar and Andal were famous religious teachers of Tamilnadu
18.) 1000-1100: Al Hujwiri, Data Ganj Baksh were famous religious teachers in Punjab
19.) 1100-1200: Basavanna in karnataka
- 1200-1300: Jnanadeva, muktabai in Maharashtra, Khwaja Mainuddin Chisti in Rajasthan were famous teachers.
21.) 1300-1400: Lal Ded was a famous teacher of kashmir
22.) 1400-1500: Kabir, Raidas, Surdas in UP.
23.) 1500-1600: Shri Chaitanya in Bengal.
24.) 1600-1700: Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi in Haryana.
Theme 7
An imperial capital vijaynagara
1.) 1800: the ruins at humpy were brought to light in 1800 by an engineer and antiquarian named Colonel Colin McKenzie
2.) 1754: Colin McKenzie was born
3.) 1815: Colin McKenzie was appointed as the first surveyor general of India bye
4.) 1336: harihara and bukka founded the vijayanagar empire
5.) 1509-29: Krishnadevaraya ruled
6.) 1512: krishnadevaraya acquired the land between tungabhadra and Krishna rivers
7.) 1514: krishnadevaraya acquired Odisha
8.) 1520: krishnadevaraya acquired bijapur
9.) 1529: krishnadevaraya died
10.) 1542: by 1542 control at the centre had shifted to another ruling lineage named ara vidu
11.) 1565: Ramaria the chief minister of vijayanagara let the army into battle at a duck shashi tangali
12.) 15th century: Abdul razzaq was sent to calicut
13.) 1976: Humphrey was recognized as a sight of national importance
14.) 1200 to 1300: establishment of the Delhi sultanate
15.) 1300 to 1400: establishment of the vijayanagara empire
16.) 1300 to 1400: establishment of the bahamani Kingdom
17.) 1300 to 1400: sultanates in June napur Kashmir and madura
18.) 1400 to 1500: establishment of the gajapati Kingdom of Odisha
19.) 1400 to 1500: establishment of the sultanates of Gujarat and malwa
20.) 1400 to 1500: emergence of the sultanate of ahmednagar bijapur and birar
21.) 1500 to 1600: conquest of Goa by the Portuguese in 1510
22.) 1500 to 1600: collapse of the bahmani Kingdom
23.) 1500 to 1600: emergence of the sultanate of golkonda
24.) 1500 to 1600: establishment of the Mughal empire by babur in 1526
25.) 1800: Colin McKenzie visited vijayanagara
26.) 1856: Alexander greenlaw took the first detailed photographs of archaeological remains at hampi
27.) 1876: JF fleet began documenting the inscriptions on the temple walls of hampi
28.) 1902: conservation began under John Marshall
29.) 1986: umpire declared as a World Heritage site by UNESCO
Theme 8
Peasants zamindars and the state
1.) 16th and 17th century: during the 16th and 17th centuries about 85% of the population of India lived in villages
2.) 1600 to 1800: between this. The population of India increased by 33%
3.) The period between 16th and 18th centuries: this. Saw a remarkable stability in the availability of metal currencies particularly the silver rupiah in India
4.) 1690: Giovanni kareri passed through India
5.) 1526: babur defeated Ibrahim lodhi in the first battle of panipat
6.) 1530 to 40: the first phase of humans.
7.) 1540 to 55: Humayunwas defeated by shershah
8.) 1555 to 56: humayun Regained his lost territories
9.) 1556 to 1605: period of Akbar
10.) 1605 to 27: period of jangid
11.) 1628 to 58: period of shajahan
12.) 1658 to 1707: period of aurangzeb
13.) 1739: nadir Shah attacked India
14.) 1761: ahmad abdali defeated the marathas in the third battle of panipat
15.) 1765: the diwani of Bengal transferred to the East India company
16.) 1857: last Mughal ruler bahadur shah 2 deposed by the British and exiled to Rangoon
Theme 9
Kings and chronicles
1.) 16th century: during the 16th century Europeans used the term Mughal to describe the Indian rulers of this branch of family
2.) 1530 to 40: period of nasiruddin humayun
3.) 1555: nasiruddin humayun defeated the surs
4.) 1526: nasiruddin humayun pushed further into the Indian subcontinent in search of territories and resources
5.) 1556 to 1605: period of jalaluddin Akbar
6.) 1605 to 27: period of jahangir
7.) 1628 to 58: period of shajahan
8.) 1658 to 1707: period of aurangzeb
9.) 1707: aurangzeb died
10.) 1857: the last Mughal ruler the second bahadur Shah was overthrown by the British
11.) 1589: abul fazal worked on the akbarnama
12.) 1784: Sir William Jones founded the asiatic society
13.) 1563: Akbar abolished the pilgrimage tax
14.) 1564: Akbar abolished the jiziya
15.) 1570s: Akbar decided to build a new capital named fatehpur sikri
16.) 1585: the capital was transferred to Lahore to bring the northwest under greater control of Akbar
17.) 1648: in 1648 the code army and household moved from Agra to newly completed imperial capital shahjahanabad by shahjahan
18.) 1633: the wedding of Dara shiko and nadeeRA
19.) 1560 onwards: two ruling groups of Indian origin entered the imperial service from 1560 onwards the rajputs and the Indian Muslims
20.) 1645: queen nurjahan sat on throne
21.) 1595: Akbar reconquered Kandahar
22.) 1580: the first Jesuit mission reached the Mughal court at fatehpur sikri in 1580
23.) 1595 and 1591: two more Jesuit missions were sent to the Mughal court
24.) 1530: manuscript of barbers memoirs in Turkish became part of the family collection of the timurids
25.) 1587 gulbadan Begum begins to write the humayun nama
26.) 1589: babur’s memoirs translated into Persian as baburnama
27.) 1589 to 1602: Abdul fazal worked on the akbarnama
28.) 1605 to 22: janggi wrote his memoirs the jahangir nama
29.) 1639 to 47: lahori composes the first two dodaftars of badshahnama
30.) 1650: Muhammad waris began to chronicle the third decade of shahjahan’s reign
31.) 1668: alamgir nama was compiled by Mohammad kazim
Themes in Indian History-III Important Dates
Theme 10
Colonialism and the countryside
1.) 1793: permanent settlement came into operation
2.) 1770s: by the 1770s the rural economy in Bengal was in crisis with recurrent famines and decline in agricultural output
3.) 1738 to 1805: period of Charles cornwallis
4.) end of 18th century: while many zamindars were facing a crisis at the end of 18th century a group of rich peasants were consolidating their position in the villages
5.) 1802 to 25: Chinnery stayed in India
6.) 1930s: the Great Depression in India
- 1794 to 1815: Francis Buchanan Served in the Bengal medical service
8.) 1815 : Buchanan returned to England
9.) 1772 to 1775: second voyage to the Pacific of William Hodges
10.) 1781: William Hodges became a friend of Augustus Cleveland
11.) 1770s: the British embarked on a brutal policy of extermination, hunting the paharis Down and killing them
12.) 1780s: Augustus Cleveland the collector of bhagalpur proposed a policy of pacification
13). 1810: Buchanan crossed Ganjuria Pahar.
14.) 1800: the santhals had moved to the rajmahal hills area
15.) 1780s: the santhals had begun to come into Bengal around the 1780s
16.) 1832: by 1832 a large area in the foothills of rajmahal was demarcated as damin I koh.
17). 1855 to 56: santhal revolt
18.) 1875: The revolt of deccan.
19.) 12th may 1875: Ryots From surrounding rural areas gathered and attacked the shopkeepers demanding their account books and debt bonds in Poona.
20.) 1820s: by the 1820s the economist David Ricardo was a celebrated figure in England
21.) 1820s: the first revenue settlement in the Bombay deccan was made in the 1820s.
22.) 1832-34: a famine stuck The Deccan
23.) 1840s: by the 1840s British officials were finding evidences of alarming level of peasant indebtedness everywhere
24.) 1840s: by the mid 1840s there were signs of an economic recovery of sorts.
25.) 1820s: many British officials had begun to realize that the settlements of the 1820s had been harsh.
26.) 1845: after 1845 agricultural prices recovered steadily.
27.) 1857: in 1957 the cotton supply association was founded in Britain.
28.) 1859: in 1859 the Manchester cotton company was formed
29.) 1861: the American Civil War broke out.
30.) 1862: by 1862 90% of cotton imports into Britain were coming from India .
31.) 1865: the civil war ended
32.) 1859: In 1859 the British passed a limitation law that stated that the loan bonds signed between moneylenders and ryots would have the validity for only three years.
33.) 1878: the Government of India worried by the memory of 1857 pressurised the government of Bombay to set up a Commission of inquiry to investigate into the causes of the riots.
34.) 1765: East India company acquires the diwani of Bengal
35.) 1773: regulating act passed by the British parliament to regulate the activities of East India company
36.) 1793: permanent settlement in Bengal
37). 1818: first revenue settlement in the Bombay deccan
38). 1820s: agricultural prices began to fall
39.) 1861: cotton boom begins
40.) 1875: riot started in the deccan
The revolt of 1857 and its representations bye
1.) 10th may 1857: the revolt of 1857 started in meerut
2.) 11th may 1857: the sepoys arrived in the gates of the red Fort.bye
3.) 12th and 13th may 1857: the north India remained quiet.
- July 1857: shah mal Was killed
5.) 1856 : Maulavi ahmadullah Shah Reached Lucknow
6.) 1857: Maulavi ahmadullah Shah Was put behind the bars
7.) 23rd June 1857:Centenary of the battle of palasi
8.) 1829: the practice of sati was abolished umm
9.) 1851: Governor General Lord dalhousie described the Kingdom of Awadh as a charity that will drop into our mouth one day
10.) 1856 hold on the Kingdom was formerly annexed to the British Empire
11.) 1840s: In the 1840s the officers developed essence of superiority and started treating the sepoys as their racial inferiors
12.) 25th August 1857: the azamgarh proclamation
- May and June of 1857: many acts were passed by the British government which put the whole north India under martial law
14). June 1857: Delhi was captured
15.) 1859: Thomas Jones Baker painted “Relief of Lucknow”
16.) 25th September: James outram and Henry Havelock arrived Lucknow
17.) 27th September 1857: Colin Campbell was appointed as the new commander of British forces in India
18.) 1801: subsidiary alliance was introduced by Wellesley in awadh
19.) 1856: nawab wajid Ali Shah was deposed and awadh was annexed
20.) 30th may 1857: revolt started in Lucknow
21). 30th June 1857: British suffered defeat in the battle of chinhat
22.) July 1857: Shah Malwas killed in the battle
23). June 1858: Rani of Jhansi was killed in a battle
Colonial cities oh
1.) 1639: company agents settled in Madras
2.) 1690: companies agents settled in Calcutta
3.) 1661: Bombay was given to the company.
4.) 1510: the Portuguese commercial company was set up in panaji
5.) 1605: Dutch commercial company was set up in muzli patnam
6.) 1639: British commercial company was set up in 1639 in Madras
7.) 1673: French commercial company was set up in pondicherry
8.) 1757: the battle of plassey
9.) 1872 color the first All India census was attempted
10.) 1881: from 1881 censuses became a regular feature
11.) 1878: the survey of India was established in 1878
12.) 1800: after 1800 urbanization in India was sluggish
13.) 1891: population growth rate was 9.4%
14.) 1901: population growth rate was 10%
15.) 1911: population growth rate was 9.4percent
16.) 1921: population growth rate was 10.2%
17.) 1931: population growth rate was 11.1%
18.) 1941: population growth rate was 12.8%
19.) 1853: railways were established in India
20.) 1850s: after the 1850s cotton mills were set up by Indian merchants and entrepreneurs in Bombay.
21.) 1815 to 1816: The Gurkha war
22.) 1818 hold on the Anglo maratha war
23.) 1835: Darjeeling was taken from the rulers of sikkim
24.) 1864: the viceroy John Lawrence officially moved his council to shimla
25.) 1883: start theater was established
26.) 1756: Surajud daulah, the nawab of Bengal attacked Calcutta
27.) 1757: he was defeated in the battle of plassey
28.) 1798 Lord willesley became the Governor General
29.) 1803: Lord Wellesley wrote a minute in 1803 on the need for town planning
30.) 1817: cholera started spreading
31.) 1896: plague made its appearance
32.) 1861: the American Civil War started
33.) 1869: the Suez Canal was opened and this further strengthened bombay’s links with the world economy
34.) 19111: George five and Queen Mary came to India
35.) 1773: Supreme Court was set up in Kolkata
36.) 1784: asiatic society was founded by Sir William Jones
37.) 1793: convallis code was enacted
38.) 1818: British took over the decan and Bombay became the capital of the new province
39.) 1853: railway from Bombay to thane
40). 1857: fast spinning and weaving mill in Bombay
41.) 1857: universities in Bombay Madras and Kolkata
42.) 1870s : beginning of elected representatives in municipalities
43). 1881: Madras harbour was completed
44.) 1896: first screening of a film at watsons hotel
45.) 1896: plague starts spreading to major cities
46.) 1911: transfer of capital from Calcutta to Delhi
Mahatma Gandhi and the nationalist movement
1.) 1915 to 1948: the gandhian period.
2.) 1930: starting of the salt March
3.) 1915: Gandhi returned to India
4.) 1893: Gandhi left India
5.) 1905 to 1907: period of swadeshi movement
6.) 1918 Ahmedabad mill strike
7.) 1917: champaran satyagraha
8.) 1918: keda satyagraha
9.) 1914 to 1918: the First World War
10.) 19 19: jallian wallabag massacre
11.) 1921: there were 396 strikes In 1921
12.) February 1922: the chauri chouda incident
13.) 1922 March: Gandhi was arrested
- ) 1921: Gandhi travelled through the villages of India where he received adoring crowds
15.) 1924: Gandhi was released from jail
16.) 1928: Gandhi decided to re-enter Indian politics
17.) 1929: Congress annual session held in Lahore
18.) 26th January 1930 : Independence Day was observed
19.) 12th March 1930: the salt March started
20.) 1930:the first round table conference held in London
21.) 1939: the Second World War started
22.) 1940 March: the Muslim league passed a resolution demanding a measure for autonomy for the Muslim majority areas of the subcontinent
23.) 1942: creeps mission came to India
24.) August 1942: the quit India movement started
25.) 1943: some of the younger leaders in the satara district of Maharashtra set up a parallel government
26.) 1944: Gandhi was again released from jail
27.) 1945: a labour government came to power in Britain
28.) 16th August 1946: bloody riots broke out in Calcutta
29.) February 1947: wavell was replaced as viceroy by Lord Mountbatten
30.) 15th August 1947: transfer of power
31.) 20th January 1948: there was an attempt on gandhiji’s life
32.) 1936: Nehru became the president of Congress
33.) 1924: Gandhi became the president of Congress for the first time
34.) 1928: peasant movement in bardoli
35.) 1931: Gandhi irwin packed,Second round table conference
36.) 1935: Government of India act promises some form of representative government
37.) 1939: Congress ministers resigned
38.) 1946: mohatma Gandhi visited noakhali and other riot torn areas to stop communal violence
Understanding partition
1.) 1916 : the Lucknow pact
2.) 1920s and early 1930s: tension grew around a number of issues in the Muslim league
3.) 23rd March 1940: the muslim league moved a resolution demanding a measure of autonomy for the muslim minority areas of the subcontinent
4.) 1930: Mohammad Iqbal spoke of a need for a northwest Indian Muslim state
5.) 1945: the British agreed to create an entirely Indian central executive council except for the viceroy and the commander in chief of the armed forces as a preliminary step towards full independence
6.) 1946: provincial elections were again held
7.) 1946 March: the British cabinet sent A3 member mission to Delhi to examine the Muslim leagues demand
8.) 16th August 1946: direct action day by Muslim league
9.) March 1947: violence spread to many parts of northern India
10.) March 1947: Congress high command voted for dividing the Punjab into two halves one with Muslim majority and the other with Hindu and Sikh majority
11.) 9 September 1947: Gandhi arrived in Delhi
12.) 28th November 1947: gandhiji addressed a meeting of sikhs
13.) 1946: the noakhali riot
14.) 1933: Chaudhry rehmat Ali coined the term Pakistan
15.) 1937 to 1939: Congress ministers came to power in seven out of 11 provinces of British India
16.) 14th August: pakistan was formed
17.) 15th August: India got independence
Framing the constitution
1.) 26th January 1950: the constitution of India came into effect
2.) December 1946 to November 1949: the constitution of India was framed
3.) 1946: the Indian Navy mutiny
4.) 15th August 1947: Independence Day of India
5.) 1945 to 46: provincial elections were held in India
6.) 13th December 1946: jalal Nehru introduced the objective resolutions in the constituent assembly
7.) 27th August 1947: B Pocker Bahadur From Madras made a powerful plea for continuing separate electorate
8.) 1949: by 1949 most Muslim league members of the constituent assembly were agreed that separate electorates were against the interests of the minorities
9.) 1935: Government of India act
10.) 1930s : by the 1930s the Congress had accepted that hindustani ought to be the national language
11.) 12th September 1947:Dhulekar’s speech On the language of the nation once again sparked off a huge storm
12.) 26th July 1945: labour government came into power in Britain
13.) December to January 1945: general elections in India
14.) 16th may 1946: cabinet mission announced its constitutional scheme
15.) 16th June 1946: Muslim league accepted cabinet missions constitutional scheme
16.) 16th June 1946 cabinet mission presented scheme for the formation of an interim government at the centre
17.) 16th August 1946: Muslim league announced direct action day
18.) 2nd September 1946: Congress formed interim government with Nehru as the vice president
19.) 13th October 1946: Muslim league decided to join the interim government
20.) 3rd to 6th December 1946: British Prime Minister Clement Attlee met some Indian leaders
21.) 9th December 1946: constituent assembly began its sessions
22.) 29th January 1947: muslim league demanded dissolution of constituent assembly
23.) Muslim league demanded dissolution of constituent assembly
24.) 16th July 1947: last meeting of the interim government held
25.) 11th August 1947: jinnah was elected president of the constituent assembly of Pakistan
26.) 14th August 1947: celebration of independence of Pakistan celebrated in Karachi
27.) 15th August midnight: India celebrated independence
28) 26th December 1949: Indian constitution was signed